Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday movies
So here in the burg the dollar theater (now the dollar 50 theater) has monday movies for 75 cents. So, we decided we should def see one last movie together. Jen looked up movies and most we had already seen because well, the dollar theater is like THE THING to do, and its cheap..BUT lucky for us they had just started playing the movie :"Letters To God" So we thought that sounded pretty good and we took our 75 cents for a good time. Sarah wasnt able to come which was a bummer but she was there in spirit. Now, i dont know if any of you are planning on seeing this..so i wont spoil the movie for you..BUT i cant remember EVER crying that much in a movie. The plot of the movie is about a little boy with cancer who write letters to God and changes lives through the ministry of his own life. talk about a tear jerker. The girl behind us was crying so bad she had the loud sobs (you know you hate those cause once they start you cant seem to stop them) On the upside i thought to myself, "Self, if you do lose it no one will hear you in this theater." Im not sure if the movie was that touching or that fact that any movie where the Lord changes lives just gets me, or maybe even the fact that it was the last time i would be sitting with my roommates in the theater before we graduate..but man i had a hard time composing myself. We decided to nix the pic since our eyes were all red and everyone was kinda sad anyway.
The message of the movie was good and it had me thinking about things. One of the exciting (and scary) parts about graduating is the "all in his hands" mentality that comes with moving on and waiting upon the Lord for WHATEVER his will is. Recently the discussion among the five of us has been the uncertainty of the upcoming year. And lets face it, it's more than just the upcoming year, it's knowing we have to go it without four girls standing beside you. I was moved by the verse at the end of the movie. No matter what lies ahead knowing that we are literally a letter from Christ, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, gives us courage to have faith that moves mountains. I am so thankful for something better than ink in my life. In time of change, what could be more comforting than the permanence of God. (indelible: that which cannot be removed. )
2 Cor. 3:3
"You show that you are a letter from Christ, the result of our ministry, written not with ink but with the Spirit of the living God, not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts."
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