Today was a much more eventful day. (dont worry Mr. Washabaugh, I'm glad you read too, i am excited to see you both this weekend!)
Tonight was our last time at Keystone working with the youth group. This summer while i was working M-Fuge in Charleston, SC i was assigned a church group. I promised that i would visit this church that happened to be located in Lynchburg. It amazes me how the Lord goes before us and is working in our lives even when we dont know it. I had no idea that when i went to visit this church with my roommates we would end up spending a year serving the youth and being connected with a church. It has been such a good and rich experience that i am so thankful for. Being at Keystone this semester has reminded me how our Lord is planning and working on our behalf. I really will miss being apart of Keystone. We got some pics before we left. Me, Lib, Jen, Matthew, Dixie and the youth group.

Our group activity tonight included a long time tradition of getting ICE LOLLIES! (we call them that but really they are just snow cones). Our freshman year we discovered this little snow shack that sells the best snow cones for only a dollar 50..which in college is a great cheap thing to do! They have like a million flavors so it always takes forever to choose what kind you want..except for me because every single time i chose the exact same flavor (Rock 'N Roll also called Batman) which is grape and blueberry..and it is sooo good! Jen went with icecream, Sarah wedding cake flavor, Linny got Jimmy Buffet (pineapple and blue coconut) and Libby went with Kiwi Strawberry. As we sat at the picnic table facing the Hollywood Movies i couldn't help but be reminded of all the good times we have shared eating ice lollies. Linny and i laughed about the time freshman year we took that pic where our lips were blue and we looked like we were freezing. It was such a good night, just enjoying laughs and each others company. I love the traditions that we developed in just four years. I love how individual each of our laughs is, but how they combine to make this loud racket that bothers anyone outside of our little world. Im so thankful for rich times like these...

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