A few weeks ago i read This Blog which aided in This Blog Which led me to write my blog.
Miranda's in particular made me laugh because i remember her convincing me and Kel to learn the "Ice Cream Feeze" dance and video it. Every time i watch that video i die laughing. People who don't know me must think i'm crazy. Come to think of it, those who do know think i'm crazy!
My Personality Type is:
Described as followed..
"Supervisors are highly social and community-minded, with many rising to positions of responsibility in their school, church, industry, or civic groups. Supervisors are generous with their time and energy, and very often belong to a variety of service clubs, lodges, and associations, supporting them through steady attendance, but also taking an outspoken leadership role."
..Maybe this is why i constantly feel the need to join yet another organization/club/ministy. Or why I am getting paid to work in a social service/counseling job. Also, this is why i was the only one who graduated with 4 years perfect attendance in my high school. and yes, i STILL think that is awesome.
"Above all else, they wish to do what they are supposed to do, and they rarely question the teacher's assignments, method of instruction, standards, or authority. And their industry and perseverance only become more important to them as they grow into adulthood and take on the responsibilities of job and family."
..This is mostly correct as i hate getting into trouble. I always think it would be fun to break rules, but always, always chicken out if there are real consequences. I often secretly question, but rarely verbalize it! Except to my parents who my sister can testify. But that's different,lol.
"Supervisors approach human relations along traditional lines. Marriage and parenthood are sacred to them, and they tend to have a large circle of friends, with many friendships faithfully maintained over the years. Social gatherings and ceremonies have great meaning for them, and they look forward to holiday parties, club dances, weddings, class reunions, awards banquets, and the like. In social situations, Supervisors are friendly and talk easily with others."
..conservative to the core!! hahaha. One of the most important things to be has always been maintaining friendships, i think it speaks to character to love someone through the good and bad..and speaks to the kinds of friends you have when they love YOU through the good and bad.
BUT HERE IS THE CRAZY PART. no matter how many times i take these test i always fall between ESTJ or ENFP..which couldn't be further apart!! Seeing as i work with people who have mental disorders, im certain I do not have multiple personalities..I asked my Prof in women's ministry about this (the class miranda also took, hey, don't knock it, the class was legit!) and my professor read this exert about how i was taking the test wrong because those two personalities cannot be combined...hahaha, so who knows. Anyway, as Miranda said,
""outgoing, social, disorganized, easily talked into doing silly things, spontaneous, wild and crazy, acts without thinking..." (via ENFP Jung Type Descriptions)
which would explain why i let my roommates put a piece of plywood on the roof of my car held up only by their tiny fingers handing out my car window...all while driving down the highway. (CAUTION: I DO NOT RECOMMEND THIS!!) Just to win the float contest at school.
come to think of it..Miranda was involved in that incident..maybe i just surround myself with ENFP's who convince me to do crazy things!!!! Or maybe it's just MIRANDA who convinces me to do crazy things!!! Miranda, i need you to move to Richmond!! I miss you and your antics! Like this..

Personalities remind me just how vast our Creator is! I am so thankful the Lord created us each so different.
So don't let the trend die!! What is YOUR personality type!?
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