Well-it's been a while here!! I never have time to blog anymore and when i do i usually end up doing something else. So much has been going on and i could literally spend hours writing about all the exciting things that have happened ie: Linny came to visit, the constant remodeling of our home..not to worry i will dedicate an entire post about that as soon as we finish, Thomas and Lauren getting hitched, my crazy job, and the fabulous family picture Sara Tyer did!
But this post is about our recent trip to Houston.
It all started in March. Let me preface this post by saying that for the last couple years daniel has bought me roses in March as a concession to letting him watch all the basketball he wants. He would say it's because he loves me..which he does, but im no fool here. and hey, this girl loves roses! Anyway, i mean im not a huge sports fan but over the last 6 years i have learned to enjoy what Daniel loves. How does that saying go, "If you can't beat 'em, Join 'em." So that became my motto a few years ago after realizing no matter how much i didn't love sport we were still going to all the games, so i might as well get excited about it too. In effort to show my true love i even bought Daniel and i season tickets for VCU basketball this year as a wedding gift. i mean, if we are going to every game anyway we might as well have reserved seats! right!?
Who would have known after a less than exciting season that VCU would be in the Final 4. Daniel got the news that VCU made it in the tournament and that was the beginning of the most crazy month ever! It seemed like every single night there was a game and we had friends over. who ever thought it was a good idea to START games at 10pm? it felt like college again! (okay, okay, so we've only been out a year, but you get my drift!) All along Daniels parents had said if we made it to the final four they would get us tickets. (i mean, really, what were the odds of this) So imagine why face when crowded in our living room with Jake and Hannah , Matt and Sandy, and Rob and Liz...we beat Kansas to make it to the final four!!
Now. Let me pause here for all you non-sports fans. At this point i do really enjoy the game and especially the date nights i get out of it. But for those of you who tuned out to all the sports talk lets get down to business. Remember me saying i got us season tickets? Yea, well that proved to be a great idea. Being season ticket holders allowed us to purchase the package deals. LADIES. the hotel they put us up in was LITERALLY. attached to a 350 store mall!! like walk out your room to the elevator and boom..heaven!!! yea. it was awesome. did i say 350 stores? I mean seriously! the best of both worlds!! Daniel got all the sports he could take and me...SHOPPING!! plus the place was so swank and the mall had tons of fabulous restaurants. It was so fun!!! also-getting to see my in-laws wear bright yellow wigs and VCU jerseys was such a highlight!!! they were rocking the black and gold!!
So VCU lost to Butler but we still stayed for the yawnfest of a national championship game and overall one of my all time favorite memories with my husband. Seeing him so excited makes every bit of all the sports ive endured totally worth it! Thanks VCU for a great season, and a super fun mini-vaca for us!!