My summer started with a few weeks working MFUGE in Charleston, SC. Because I am getting married, and basically needed to find a real job, I couldn’t commit to doing another entire summer at camp. FUGE has this great thing called “special-teamers” which means during really huge weeks they have past staffers who can’t work a whole summer, work during those weeks. It was so good, so different, and so HOT. (Charleston seriously has got to be the hottest place on earth..the humidity..ugh!) It was really good being back to what really became a home to me last summer. I missed seeing our ’09 staff there but was able to work again with some sweet friends. It is such a different thing being there only for a few weeks, but the team really welcomed me in just like I had been there all along. I was really able to see the Lord working in my life and took a step back while I was there to really understand why he had me where he has me. (if that makes any sense). I found myself back at the old P.C.Y (painting, construction, yardwork) shed..rememered why I hated it so much last year. This summer was so different with my site because instead of moving from yard to yard, location to location, I worked both weeks at a kids camp. My students and I painted so much I was sick of seeing paint for a while. All in all a great experience to which I was totally wiped and ready to go home and rest. Here are some pics from the 2 weeks.
2. Event two of the summer included flying to Kentucky to visit my sweet friend Emily! We spent the week painting and fixing up her new house (which is fabulous by the way). This was actually the first time I had ever flown by myself so I was a teensy nervous, however I got where I needed to be and everything worked out great. My friend Katie recued me from the Nashville airport since Emily was so far from Nashville (Katie I still owe you for this!). Also shoutout to Megan who pulled an all-nighter with me and got me to the airport at 4:45 in the morning..a terrible idea to stay up all night, but we had a fun time! Seeing as it was the 4th of July Emily and drove back to Cunningham Kentucky and basically got our own personal firework show as we could see all the firework shows from the highway. We worked so hard on the house but were able to finish everything just in time for Brian (Emily’s husband) to get home! We also had cheeseburgers at a little store ( im not sure what you call it,lol) where I promptly bought EEJ a snake that was a sucker and we laughed very hard about that. We stayed up excessively late every night and chatted which was sooo good. I slept for a full 20 hours when I got home I was so tired..but it was SO worth it! This was such a special week in my life. The Lord really works in mysterious ways..

3. Event three is really like 10 events in one. This is what happened when i got home from Kentucky. I first got a call that the wedding dress designer of the dress i wanted had gone out of businesses..which left me without a dress 4 months out. a minor crisis however i resolved to just figure out a plan and not stress out because as we all know it cannot add a moment to my life. there are times when the Lord gives you such clarity it is unreal. that happened. Then i got a call that i got the job i applied for. This was largely a shocker because i am grossly unqualified for this job yet the Lord saw fit to place me there. So i am now officially working with mental heath support in an agency i have already grown to respect. It is such a stretch for me but i know the Lord has me there and i am content with that knowledge. And hey, what better way to lean on the Lord's abilities when there isn't an ounce of your own! Then Jen came and spent a day with me which was fun especially because we went to Shortpump to this outdoor concert which we thought it was so awesome that everyone had these seats placed for us until our bubble burst when that lovely couple told us they would like there seats back...opps! so i guess it wasn't free seats after all. Then because i started my job i couldn't join the girls on their beach day so Sarah swung by and had dinner with me..which was sooo good! We have always had great conversation. Then Daniel and i found a house, put an offer on it and boom, as of September when the house closes we are homeowners. Anddd..i love the house! Honestly, it is exactly what i wanted. Daniel did such a great job, and basically everyday i realize how smart he is and how incredibly thankful i am that he is such a good steward of his money and so wise with investments. This is further proof that the Lord truly does meet and exceed our needs. Then daniel and i went to a beautiful wedding on the beach where we drove home jiffy quick (err..rather tried but got tied up in excessive traffic) and scrambled to get our act together just in time to FINALLY get engagement pictures done. Which, in case you haven't checked out the album on Facebook..turned out AMAZING. i honestly couldn't be more happy with the great job Sara did. ANDDD Daniel and i had a great time taking them. Sara, you are a genius. thank you a million times over!! Most recently this weekend i had my wisdom teeth out. Actually i only have 2 wisdom teeth. I know, kinda weird. its not like the other two are there but dont need to be removed, i just dont have the other two. no seriously, i saw the x-ray. nothing. so odd. anyway, i am swollen and not exactly loving life however glad to mark one more thing off my list. Oh and in case you were wondering, i found the dress. not just a dress, the one i wanted from the beginning. its a long story but i found one, bought it and am having it altered as we speak. pth. put nothing past a woman on a mission who is willing to take a moment to not freak out. done and done.
whew. i think that's it. Basically things have been really uneventful this

next time not so long!