"i know it dont make sense for those who ride the fence, but i'm sold out to Christ. You call it loosening up, LOOSENING it up, i call it Spiralin' down...."
I often wonder what it takes for people to come to a point where they completely deny everything they once believed in. This week i read an article about an artist whose music i loved who has just came out as a active homosexual. I literally grieved over this article. There was not even a hint of conviction or remorse for their lifestyle..in fact, they denied that scripture even addresses this issue as wrong. REALLY?! I mean, i can understand this for someone who doesn't believe in God, or see the bible as truth..but this is a professing Christian whose old music was extremely scriptural. I was so grieved that they had taken the lies of the enemy and given up their position to be a light in to a literally dying world. Now, i want to be careful not to point a finger and "stone" this artist to death. Sin is epidemic, and we all struggle with things. I am not even trying to place her particular sin as worse..my point is..When have we become so deceived by the enemy, that absolutely truth, black and white, right and clearly wrong, have become areas that are subjective to our personal interpretations.
If the word of God is not ALL true, than NONE of it is true.
And hey, it's not just this artist..one of my long time favorite artist has thrown their gospel message completely out the window to promote their own political venues. I went to 3 concerts of this musician and by the 3rd concert i stopped listening to their music. Why? Because somewhere along the way they forgot that Christ had literally given them a platform for the gospel..and yet, it was less and less important in light of their popularity, clever views, and shock value. And wouldn't you know..these two are touring together. misery loves company huh?
All week i have kept thinking about the Jimmy Needham song, fence Riders. (quote above). i love the song, because now, in our society..Telling someone that living a homosexual lifestyle is wrong, for that matter SIN is wrong, and denying his will for ours is wrong, well all that means is you haven't evolved into our society. Praise God he continues to work in our lives and through the work of the Holy Spirit we find conviction to change the wrong in our life. Because Christ loves us in light of our sinful lives..we are called to do the same. And thank God that he loves us even when we deny his truth.
So like Jimmy: you call it loosening up,
I CALL IT spiraling down..
1 John 1:6
"If we claim to have fellowship with him yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live by the truth."